Touch Me
English > Love Storm series
Touch Me
Translator: Fanny Morvan
Publisher: Tektime
How far can we pull on the rope before it breaks?
Felicity spent her entire teenage years overwhelmed by the fame of
her two sisters, the most popular girls in school and prom queens.
Managing to survive knowing she wasn't as beautiful and thin as they
were was difficult and she eventually chose to live in invisibility for
fear of ending up in the crosshairs of the school bullies. But things
have changed. She's a sophomore in college, has two fantastic friends,
and is no longer hiding. But her rejection of her own body is still very
present and she has not yet managed to overcome her fear of being
touched. Ryo and her friends have always been the center of attention.
One look is enough for her to be feared or desired by anyone. A no for
an answer is meaningless to him and those who have tried have bitterly
regretted it. His life has always been a mix of adrenaline and speed,
but although he has always liked to take risks, he would never have
imagined crashing his bike because of a distracted girl, always able to
say and do the wrong thing at the wrong time. Ryo has no intention of
forgiving her. Felicity, wracked with guilt, will do anything to make it
up to him. Even become his slave. But how far can you pull the rope
before it breaks?